Goin’ Back to Class: Your Guide to Obtaining Online Marketing Degrees

Getting Into The World Of Marketing Did you know that some of the biggest names in popular culture dish out more than two billion dollars per year on advertising and Marketing campaigns. Coca Cola, the soft drink king for more than a century, spends billions of dollars annually to keep their sleek and refreshing image in the media and popping up on television screens around the globe. That’s means that the world of product and business marketing is an ever growing cash cow and there’s no good reason why you shouldn’t get a piece of the pie, just as long as you have a degree.

Over the course of the last twenty years, the marketing industry has become largely interdependent on other career fields. A successful Marketing exec is well versed in various other areas, like business, psychology, sociology, graphic design, statistics, science, and technology. Breaking into the big money making and richly rewarding Marketing field now requires at least a two year post-secondary education backed up with an Associate’s Degree. If you want to land the really lucrative company contracts and work with pop icons like Coke, obtaining a Bachelor’s of Master’s Degree in Marketing can only help your chances.

But how would you ever manage to break into the Marketing field quickly? And between your nine to five and familial obligations, how can you responsibly fit going back to school into your schedule? There are actually a few ways. The technology age has opened the door for the opportunity to obtain online Marketing degrees, sometimes in less than two years! Institutions That Offer Online Marketing Degrees Forget about keg parties, riots in the Student Union, and creepy old professors with a wandering eye; education has been revolutionized. There’s lots of online institutions with a flair for innovation who are particular interested in setting the Marketing industry on it’s ear with their new age approach to teach the fundamentals of the field.

Plus they offer respected online Marketing degrees when all is said and done. Some of the institutions that offer online marketing degrees are: University of Phoenix: The University of Phoenix’s Marketing program offers Bachelor’s of Science Degrees in Business and Marketing. During the U. Phoenix course of study, students work toward their online marketing degrees by learning how to identify customer’s needs, how to communicate product information, and how and where to market specific products and services. There’s also instruction on how to respond to changes in markets and demands.

Capella University:

Online Marketing degrees at the virtual Capella University are earned through mastering leadership skills, interpersonal communication, and the basics of marketing for the growing phenomeon of e-business, which are still in their infancy. American InterContinental University Online: AIU offers online Marketing degrees at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. AIU wants students to excel in the quick witted world of advertising agencies, public relations firms, and even department store sales divisions. Baker College: Baker College is the UCLA of online schools-it’s amongst the largest. As one of the biggest virtual institutions around, Baker offers online Marketing degrees at three levels-Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s.