How to Lower Your Air Conditioning Costs with Quick Growing Trees

Are you tired of high air conditioning bills? One way to beat the high cost of summer electricity bills is by planting quick growing trees in your yard. Trees can cool surrounding air temperatures by as much as 20 degrees. Fully grown trees that have been placed in strategic locations in the yard can even lower your home’s air conditioning costs by as much as 40% (

Most homeowners believe that it takes years for trees to provide any sort of cooling benefit for their yards and homes. There are certain variety of trees you can plant now that will provide significant shade in less than 5 years.

But no one has the patience to wait that long which is why most people would start looking for better alternatives like researching for blaux portable ac reviews and get an AC to solve the matter but still given the variety of trees available, there’s no harm in trying atleast.

The fastest growing varieties

The quickest growing tree available today is the decorative Kawakamii Paulownia, also called an Empress tree. It’s been recorded as growing an amazing 18 feet in one year. The fastest growth is seen in the first several years, after it has grown 30 feet the rapid growth tapers off.

Three other tree varieties known for fast growth are the Weeping Willows, the Tulip Poplar, and the Hybrid Popular. These average about 8 feet of growth a year. The willow reaches heights of 50-70 feet, the poplars can grow as high as 80 feet.

The one disadvantage with these quick growing varieties is that they are weak wooded and have shallow roots. If your goal is to provide long term shade for your yard and home, the best solution is to plant a combination of both quick growing and traditional shade trees. As the shade trees reach maturity, the weak wooded varieties can be removed.

Other varieties of fast growing trees.

When we lost several of our shade trees in a storm in the late 90s, we replaced them with fast growing hardier woods to generate shade quickly. While these trees aren’t as fast growing as the poplars and willows, they do have a deeper root system which makes them less apt to topple over in a storm.

Northern Catalpa. This tree can reach 80 feet high, and produces huge leaves and interesting seed pods. In the spring, it develops a fragrant, white flower. An unusual feature of the Catalpa is that it drops all its leaves on a single day in the fall.

Quaking Aspen which grow between 4-6 feet a year. It is characterized by leaves that “quake” in the breeze.

European White Birch averages between 4-6 feet of growth a year. This tree has a dappled white and grey trunk which can will add visual interest to the yard.

Sweet gum Maple. Another fast growing tree which has has a wonderful display of fiery red leaves in the fall. The Sweet Gum grows about 3 feet a year and will eventually reach a height of 80 feet.

Purple Ash. We planted one of these in front of our house several years ago and has grown to a height of 22 feet in just 8 years. In the fall, the leaves turn a beautiful shade of purple. This tree will eventually reach 50-70 feet in height.

Columnar Oak. This tree has much the same characteristics of a Lombardy popular with its narrow spread and grows about 4 feet a year, topping out at 40 feet. The leaves of this tree don’t seem to drop until early January.

When it comes to lowering energy costs, a few well placed trees are an easy way to save money. According to the Arbor Day Foundation (, planting a single tree near the west side of your home today can reduce your energy bills by 3% in as little as five years.