Electric Trolling Motors has been on the scene for a couple of decades. They have revolutionized fishing by allowing going places and controlling their boats in the ways that were impossible previously. Every time you decide to go on fishing, you need to consider some parameters like wind speed and direction, current, water depth, shoreline configuration, and more. With an electric motor, you can properly position yourself, attach one to your bow and casement and become the master of the seas.
Many anglers view electric motors as requisite; therefore, the manufacturers have responded by developing powerful, bigger, and better models. The powerful models involve more bells and whistles than earlier. In fact, there are plentiful options for you today that you might get confused while looking for the proper trolling motor for your boat. You can check out https://trollingmotorsguide.com/12v-vs-24v-trolling-motor/ to know about the buying guide of electric trolling motor.
Keep in mind about the expert pointers that are crucial to consider choosing the right electric trolling motor:
- Thrust
Power ratings for trolling motors are deliberated in pounds in thrust; it totally depends on the size and weight of your boat. The manufacturers of electric trolling motor have easy-to-use charts that can easily tell you the amount of thrust required for your boat.
- Power
Before deciding which volt system is best for your boat, you need to understand about different volt system set-ups. 12-volt electric motors can run one 12-volt, deep cycle battery whereas a 24-volt motor can run two batteries. If we talk about the 36-volt electric motor, it operates three batteries, which are hooked up in series. You need to understand the pros and cons of each volt system carefully before buying one.
As a general rule, 12-volt motors of the high thrust are sufficient for most boats, which are less than 16 feet in length. Boats with the length between 16-18 feet, must consider a 12/24-volt or a straight 24-volt system.
- Control
When you have to choose between a hand-or-foot-controlled, it can be tough and challenging as there are numerous pros and cons of each. If you choose a hand-controlled electric motor, the casting platform will stay lucid and uncluttered. There are no wires, pedals, or cords to trip over. On the other hand, a foot-controlled electric motor frees up your hands for fishing. The speed control and steering buttons are placed on the foot pedal for effortless operation.
- Shaft length
Most anglers make the same mistake of choosing the shaft that is too small. Choosing the correct shaft length for the bow-mounted electric is imperative to ensure the prop do its job accurately. As a rule of thumb, it has been stated that the center of the motor should always be nice inches under the water. So many anglers get confused when it comes to choosing the proper shaft length. All the anglers need to know is the estimated distance between the boat’s deck and the waterline.