Making Extra Money Online


The best thing about making extra money online is you can do it in your pajamas or anywhere you have the time. The places I list here do not ask for any kind of fee and it does not take much to get started. I’m going to list a few of the sites that I have personally worked with and have actually gotten paid. There are many legitimate online companies out there but here are a few to start with…

1: StartUpLift

This company did not give a good first impression. I made a good amount of money, but they didn’t pay as quickly as they stated. It took a few weeks before I received the money, which did upset me. I almost thought I had been ‘conned,’ but I was wrong. It seems like they take a while to process a new worker, but once you get going, you get paid every week to two weeks. They pay 5 dollars for every task that you complete. You visit a site that is just starting up and critique it by answering 5 or more questions. Do a good job, be honest and don’t skimp either and turn in quality work. Tasks may not happen too often, days could pass before you see one but when they do have them, they are quite easy and worth the time. They pay through PayPal.

2: MTurk

This company pays directly to your bank account or you can just let it slide right into your Amazon Account, which you can use at your disposal of course. The work here varies from a simple yes or no question that pays one cent to assembling a group of 10 people and taking a picture as you guys hold up some sort of sign for 25 dollars. There are simple and strenuous tasks here that one can complete, it’s just a question of how much you’re willing to work. They pay you quickly but only if you work consistently, at least one task a day. The minimum payout is a dollar. In order to earn additional profits, there should be no engagement in the Evergreen Wealth Formula scam. It will ruin the reputation of the fashion industry owner in online market. The information available with the person should be correct and valid for the increase in the traffic at the site. The payment should be done from secure course to eliminate the scams and risks. 

3: Humanatic

This site here is a strange one, all you do is review calls and click a button to say what kind of call it was. I have reviewed mostly car dealerships. The pay is quite low though, a few cents per call but if you are fast, move the slider on the audio player until you find what you are looking for and you can make an okay amount of petty cash. They pay through PayPal, and the minimum payout is 10 dollars. If you have the time and don’t mind snooping then this could work for you.

4: TextBroker

You have to be a decent writer to work for these guys. It feels like you are working for an obsessive English teacher but if you get at least a 4 grade you can be make 7-8 dollars per 500 word article you submit. Your grade determines your pay rate so try to consistently do a good job. They also check your work, so if you turn in work that isn’t becoming of your grade they do drop you, you can rectify that but it will take 5 excellent articles. The articles range in words but the pay rate rises with the amount of words. I guess it goes without saying that one should be a skilled typist as well. They pay through PayPal every Friday with a minimum of 10 dollars.


5: SlicethePie

They pay through PayPal and the minimum is 10 dollars. You review songs, you don’t have to write much but write enough. The more you write the higher the pay. It may be approx 5-20 cent per review, but it is a simple task plus you might enjoy hearing songs all day. Make sure to mention the clarity of the lyrics, rhythm and beat, commercial value and any other music annotation you can give the song. Oh and just as a little note: say you love all kinds of songs, if you don’t you’ll run out of songs to review. Don’t hate a song just because it isn’t your type of music, review it as if it was for you.