Mobile Legends: Tips for Beginners

Mobile Legends is one of the best games that you can download in your mobile phone. There are so many great things about this game such as the graphics, heroes, mechanics and others. So if you are one of the thousands of gamers who just started playing this game, you are in the right place. This article will provide you some of the best tips that can help you to advance in the game quickly.

One of the most important things that you should consider when playing mobile legends is to find your role in the game. It is the first step that you need to do so you’ll get better in mobile legends. Knowing what your role is in the game will not only be beneficial for yourself but for the entire game as well. In mobile legends, there are 6 classes of heroes namely fighter, tank, assassin, mage, marksman and support. Each of which has its own role and function in the team because of their abilities. It is important that you know which hero class is the best one for you. This will allow you to learn how the game works and how you can defeat your enemies during the battles.

Now that you’re able to know what your role is in the game, the next step that you need to do is to master your hero. Every hero in the game has its own skills and abilities. It is important that you know how to use the hero so you can fully utilize its skills and abilities. As a result, you will be able to contribute in the success of your team. Basically, every hero in the game has 4 skills and three of them are active. Make sure to do some practice first before actually joining rank game so you’ll know when and how to use your hero’s skills properly.

It is also important that you know how battle spells work in the game. Technically speaking, battle spells are used as a tip in the battle so you can have extra skill. The type of battle spell that you will choose will depend on the hero that you have. Make sure to watch some tutorials online or read some articles about battle spells and about the hero that you are using so you can get more strategies and ideas on how to use the hero well with its right battle spell.

For your hero to become stronger, it is crucial that you pick the right gear. There are 96 items in mobile legends where you can choose from. These items are categories into 5 groups namely attack, magic, defense, movement and jungle. The set of items that you will use will again depend on the hero that you are using. It is important that you watch tutorials on YouTube and other sources so you’ll know what the right items are for your hero. The items that you need for your hero will also depend on the type of build you want to use.

You should also familiarize yourself with the map in the game. Understanding well the map will provide yoy an advantage in outplaying your enemy and will help in communication with the team. Basically, the map ion mobile legends are split into different areas: lanes, base and jungle. Your position in the map will again depend on the type of hero that you need. Furthermore, it is also advisable to communicate with your team so you can have a synchronized strategy and as a result, you can easily defeat your enemy. For more information, visit this page: