A special report from the Metro newspaper has made a bold claim that over 90% of smokers rated e-cigs as a give up smoking alternative and that it helped them quit for good. Looking into this study the survey was credible but the research did conclude that it was a self selected survey so the results may not show an accurate proportion of the population. This was due to most of the respondents being used were directed from two of the main manufacturers of electronic cigarettes.
Taking a look at the results 75% of the smokers sampled said that it have been at least many weeks even months since they had last lit up. Also over 90% of the smokers said that electronic cigarettes had greatly reduced their cravings, and also 70% surveyed found that the urge to smoke had almost gone.
If you take these statistics as they are, you have a sample of regular users of e-cigs that are very happy with the product. To say that these devices cure 100% of people is impossible but with such high numbers of satisfied customers there must be something good in using e-cigarettes.
Let’s take a closer look at the study
Electronic cigarettes are an alternative way of giving up smoking. They are devices that are battery powered and vaporise liquid nicotine for the user to inhale. The correct term used by smokers is “vaping” and there are millions of users throughout the world. The problem with the devices is there has been little research and regulation done on them meaning that there is still a lot that is not understood about the side effects and long term health risks associated with e-cigs. The aim of the study is to get opinions of real users and what they thought about long term use.
Two companies were chosen for the study in the UK due to their popularity and reputation. The first being The Electronic Cigarette Company TECC and Totally Wicked E-Liquid TWEL are included in this stud~y.
The research was carried out between September 2011 to May 2012 and surveyed users from the company websites. In total just over 1300 questionnaires were filled out by people from mostly those in European customers and the average age was just over 40 years old. Here is also discussion made about Lost Vape Orion DNA Go Vape Kit, that is now looked on as an advancement in the technology associated to vaping. This is a modern starter kit that integrated with the GO DNA chip that has made orion win award for this.
From the data gathered the majority of people heard about these devices through the internet or by seeing them being used by others. The internet is probably their biggest market place for these devices and this is where the majority of people purchase their e-cigs and liquid nicotine. Also those who had given up smoking completely and were fully relying on vaping to get their daily nicotine intake reported that they used their devices more than those who were still smoking.
Over half of the users did report that they use their device in a normal way to smoking tobacco cigarettes. They felt comfortable using them at work and when out and about. What is also positive news to come out of this survey is the 76% of users said that they use vaping to give up smoking and as a way of giving up tobacco products. They also reported improved breathing and felt that there was less strain on their lungs.
Although the number of people surveyed is limited this research is a step forwards for those who are looking for alternatives to smoking. Further research should definitely be conducted and more of the general smoking population should be given these devise for a trial period. The market seems to be growing at such a rapid rate but government regulatory bodies seem to be moving at a slow pace. We look forward to more research on these products as a real alternative to quitting smoking.