Social Media Marketing Mistakes

The promise of social media marketing is your message organically and affordably delivered to your market in a way that encourages sharing and increased exposure for your business. That means your message gets in front of the people who really matter and they share it with more people who really matter! Sounds good, doesn’t it? It can happen! In fact it’s happening every day! According to the Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 81% of marketers indicated that even with a minimal time investment, social media efforts increased exposure for their business. 72% reported that social media helped them to close more business.

So why do so many people fail? Why is there still doubt about the effectiveness of social media as it relates to business? The answer is simple. Social media only works if you understand why you’re doing, do it well and do it consistently. If you’ve been struggling to get results from your social media marketing efforts then there could be a reason. Here are 3 mistakes you may be making that will cost you big time!

You Only Have a Facebook Page: Facebook is an excellent tool! It offers tremendous opportunity for networking and visibility among your target market. Although many small business owners start here and get results here, if you truly want noticeable visibility for your business you’ve got to branch out and take advantage of more than one networking site. Different sites offer the opportunity for a wide variety of engagement with your target audience. If you can create positive visibility for yourself and interact with your market on a variety of platforms, you’ll not only begin developing the relationships you need to improve business, you’ll also be better able to understand your market’s needs and offer solutions.

You Market When You Should Be Engaging: Social networking is all about listening and communicating with your target market. Introduce yourself, hear what they have to say and develop relationships through honest conversation and sharing. Blasting marketing messages on a regular basis won’t help your cause. In fact it could result in potential clients turning you off completely and refusing to allow you into their networks. Begin your online networks with the mindset of creating mutually beneficial relationships. Show an honest interest in what others have to say and you’ll soon find they are doing the same thing for you.

You Aren’t Consistent: What if you only opened the doors to your business when you felt like it? What if potential clients couldn’t find you for weeks at a time? What type of results do you think you’d get? It sounds crazy to run a business this way! It’s equally crazy to run a social media campaign this way! You’ve got to be consistent in your efforts if you intend to produce results.

Social media marketing is helping to produce tremendous efforts for business owners every day! Generating leads and closing sales are only a few of the benefits it provides! When done correctly it can take any business to an entirely new level. The key is in doing it correctly. If

you’ve been making some of these common mistakes then it’s time for a change! Are you having some challenges when it comes to social media? Not sure if you’re doing it correctly? I’d love to hear your thoughts and help answer some of those questions for you right here! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think and where you need to see results. I can’t wait to help!

An endless supply of new clients? That seems like a pretty big promise!

The reality is that social media has the capability of being the most valuable tool a business can have! It offers opportunities for market research, a job pool filled with qualified candidates and an endless supply of new clients. Presently there are so many of the instagram followers website to take help from to gain followers. These websites are usually paid but some of them are also free to use. But not reliable. I could literally write volumes about how to use social media for each of those things! For today, however, I’d like to focus on helping you understand how social media can translate into more sales for your business.

Imagine if you never told anyone about your business? Never followed up with your leads? What would happen if you only showed up for work when you felt like it? That’s how many people treat their social media marketing efforts! They don’t promote themselves well or talk about their sites. They forget to post regularly and then wonder why nothing is happening.